From the Dutch in New Netherland to Swedes in New Sweden, from Quakers in Pennsylvania to Puritans in New England, diversity is a common factor when it comes to Colonial genealogy. The 13 original Colonies declared independence from England in 1776, and our ancestral homeland was born: the United States of America. Join genealogy expert D. Joshua Taylor as he covers all of your Colonial concerns in our webinar Top 25 Tips for Finding Your Colonial Ancestors. This webinar includes a free downloadable Colonial Genealogy Guide (PDF).
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 13
Starting Time: 7pm ET/6pm CT/5pm MT/4pm PT
Presenter: D. Joshua Taylor
Duration: 1 hour
Price: $49.99 ($39.99 early bird until 11/6)
• Essential tricks for tracing colonial immigrants
• A brief history of Colonial America, from the Revolutionary War to the Louisiana Purchase
• New England, the Middle Colonies, Chesapeake Bay Colonies, the Lower South and the Frontier: What ethnic groups settled which areas during this colonial period.
• Key strategies for unearthing your early American roots
• Common and lesser-known resources for records of your Colonial kin
• Best Colonial genealogy websites and how they can help your genealogy research